OBGYN Step 3
Post Partum Hemorrhage
4 T’s Tone, Trauma, Tissue, Thrombin
Tone – Uterine Massage – Oxytocin, Tissue uneven uterine lining, D&C, Trauma – pelvic exam, Suture laceration, Thrombin – tamponade bleeding
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH): Tone (uterine atony), Trauma (laceration), Tissue (retained placenta) & Thrombotic (inherited thrombophilia)
this is helpful so let's start first we're gonna cover obstetrics so postpartum hemorrhage is to find us over
and the most common cause is due to uterine atony and that's from basically
when you're in labor your uterus is contracting a lot and after delivery of
the baby the uterus is weak and then the spiral arteries because of the decreased
tone of the uterus it can't contract fast enough and the
contraction of the uterus actually clamps the spiral arteries so when you
have basically a flaccid weak uterus those spiral arteries are just open and
dilated and they're basically just hemorrhaging and so the main thing I
want you to look for in a vignette is when they say that the uterus is above
the umbilicus because that basically means that it's foggy and big and when a
uterus contracts it gets smaller and it should be below the level of umbilicus
so then the first step is to diagnose it but then the next is to know what to do and the first-line treatment for that is
uterine massage so you want to massage the uterus and help get it to a smaller
size and then afterwards you can also administer oxytocin if needed there's
another type of common cause of postpartum hemorrhage and that is due to
retained placenta – uneven lining – D&C
retained placenta in a vignette usually you'll notice that they'll talk about
the placenta coming out that it may have looked like an incomplete placenta and
it doesn't you know clean and so they might talk about on ultrasound that you see and
uneven endometrial lining so that unevenness is basically describing that
there's retained placenta in the uterus which is causing that uneven lining and
then what you want to do as a D&C to remove that retained placenta if it's
not uterine atony or retained placenta and another common one is
Lacerations – Forceps delivery even endometrial lining – Pelvic examination suture laceration
and so usually in a laceration vignette there will be it's associated with
forceps delivery so when you put the instrument up the vagina or cervix it's
at risk for laceration of course in that vignette then the uterus will be below
the umbilicus and then ultrasound will show even endometrial lining so that
kind of rules everything out so and if there's forceps involved in its most likely laceration and then to treat that
you would do a pelvic examination and inspects for the laceration and then suture it closed so then what I wanted
Active Labor
Adequate contraction every 2-3 minutes contractions > 200 MVU in 10 minutes 1 MVU, 4 hrs of no contractions 6 hrs inadequate contractions, cervix no longer dilating – C-section
to talk about next is active phase of delivery so you know you have your latent phase which is from 0 to 6, 6 to 10
Arrest of Descent – at 10cm cephalopelvic disproportion. Csection
Uterine rupture – intense pain, baby’s head at 0 station now at -3, uterine rupture, difficult to find where baby is in uterus – hard to find baby’s head, laporatomy
Prolapsed cord, umbilical cord through cervix
Labor 0 to 6 (passive phase), 6 to 10 centimeters ( active phase), adequate contractions roughly contractions every two to three minutes or > 200 MVU in 10 minutes
centimeters cervical dilation and then 6 centimeters on to 10 centimeters that is
called active phase why that's important is because you need to know a term
called arrest of active phase so that's defined as four hours of adequate contractions
or six hours of inadequate contractions so then you need to know what is
adequate contractions so adequate contractions is loosely every two to
three minutes you have contractions or if you want a precise definition it's
greater than 200 Montevideo units in ten minutes so a Montevideo unit is
basically the sum of the uterus pressure changes above baseline with each
contraction in ten minutes so if that adds up to over 200 then you have
adequate contraction the cervix is no longer dilated that's called arrest of active phase and
then you want to do a c-section
10 centimeters – maximum dilation, arrest of descent, MCC cephalopelvic disproportion – C-section
after ten centimeters when you have maximum
dilatation of the cervix to delivery if that takes longer than three hours
that's called arrest of descent and usually the number one cause of that is
due to cephalo pelvic just proportion which basically means that the baby's
head is too big to fit through mom's pelvis and you want to treat that with a
uterine rupture – intense pain zero station now negative, difficult to palpate - laparotomy
Uterus Rupture - uterus rupture the vignette will usually talk about how mom was in
labor all of a sudden she had intense pain and the baby's head was originally
at say zero station and now it's at the minus three station that's basically
pathognomonic for uterine rupture and usually they'll also describe that it's
difficult to palpate to find where the baby is in the uterus because the baby
has most likely um is now slipped out of the uterus and in the peritoneal cavity
so when that happens obviously you want to go into a c-section obviously you
want to do a laparotomy and then take the baby out and then elapsed cord which
is basically the umbilical cord has prolapsed through the cervix and obviously since the umbilical cord is in
the way of the path of descent it's too dangerous to deliver vaginally so you
want to deliver through c-section so when we talk about
fetal tachycardia nml 110 – 160 causes maternal fever, pyelonephritis, chorioamnionitis, endometritis
tachysystole 5+ uterine contractions / 10 minutes can cause fetal bradycardia – tocolytic terbutaline beta 2 agonists SE pulmonary edema
fetal tachycardia
so basically heart rate that's normal for a fetus is between 110 to 160
so anything faster than that what do you think would be the cause of death so
fetal tachycardia the causes are generally maternal fever so if the
baby's heart rate is over you know 170 you shouldn't suspect an maternal fever
common causes of mature fever would be infectious causes right
so like like pyelonephritis chorioamnionitis or endometritis which
I'll talk about later so taxi systole is defined as 5 plus uterine contractions
every 10 minutes so this is too much contractions and this can cause fetal
bradycardia which isn't good for the baby and so you want to treat this with the toe coletek and the first line
tocolytics is terbutaline which is the beta-2 agonist don't forget at
tocolytics their number-one adverse effect is almond area edema
beta thalassemia -
so beta microcytic anemia Hgb a2
thalassemia what would be a marker that would help you distinguish beta
thalassemia from other microcytic anemias it has elevated hemoglobin a2 so
that's a sign to look out for it so remember that
Physiologic Changes of pregnancy – elevated GFR, metabolic alkalosis (breathe for two ppl), increased Vt lower PaCO2, lower hgb
there's certain changes
that happen with pregnancy that are normal and so usually mom will have
elevated cardiac output elevated GFR and because of the elevated GFR she'll also
have glucose area which is perfectly normal she'll also have metabolic alkalosis
which is expected to be normal too because she has to breathe for two people she'll have increased tidal volume and this will cause her to expire pco2 more so her pco2 is usually lower
than average if it's above 40 that's usually not a normal sign so if you see
alkalosis and a pregnant woman don't panic it's pretty physiologic also remember that basically when mom is
pregnant she has increased plasma volume 2 and this dilutes the red blood cells
and that's physiologic anemia of pregnancy so it's expected for moms who
have anemia during pregnancy as well
Shoulder Dystocia – shoulder stuck behind pubic bone, is this arrest?, try McRoberts Maneuver – hyperflexion of the hips (knees to chest), Risk Factors: Prior Shoulder Dystocia, macrosomnia -> gestational diabetes, can deliver vaginally complications Erb’s palsy, clavicular fracture, hypoxia or death
Pregestational diabetes < 20 weeks, after 20 weeks gestational different complications
Pregestational dangerous – congenital malformations and cardiac defects
Gestational more preterm labor, macrosomnia, shoulder dystocia
shoulder dystocia is basically when the
anterior shoulder gets stuck behind Mom's pubic bone and the shoulder kind
of gets locked in place so the first thing you want to do before you concede to the diagnosis of
arrest of descent where it's impossible to get the baby out definitely is you
want to try something called the McRoberts maneuver which is hyper flexion of the hips and this should
hopefully pop the shoulder out and that's the first thing you want to do so remember prenatal risk factors for
shoulder dystocia for a mom as if she's had a prior episode of shoulder dystocia
if the baby's macro Soumik and usually macrosomia is caused by gestational
diabetes and remember just a tional diabetes there's a difference between that and pre gestational diabetes which
is the presence of diabetes before week 20 is called pre gestational diabetes
and after week 20 diagnosis as gestational and they're different because they have different
complications associated with them pre gestational diabetes is much more dangerous it associated with congenital
malformations and cardiac defects whereas gestational diabetes is more
associated with on preterm labor macrosomia shoulder dystocia etc
remember with shoulder dystocia if you are able to deliver vaginally than some
complications you could expect our
Erb’s palsyC5, C6 Klumpke C8-T1 Erbs palsy a clavicular fracture crepitus reassure the patient’s will heal on its own
sometimes hypoxia or death if the baby comes out and a few days after it's born
and it's presenting with the classic or palsy presentation which has a hyper
which is basically an arm that's internally rotated with the wrist flexed
and elbow extended this is a Erbs palsy the parents will usually ask what to do
about it and the correct answer is usually reassure because it tends to self resolved and the same of the
clavicular fracture there will usually be you know crepitus over the clavicle
and then there too is to reassure because it will heal on its own so an important concept
to know is
Fetal Bradycardia if mom is hypotensive reflex vasoconstriction of spiral arteries attached to uterus increases total peripheral resistance for mom’s circulatory system to get bp up, vasoconstriction of the fetal circulation increasing fetal total peripheral resistance reflex bradycardia
Vasoconstriction of spiral arteries causes fetal bradycardia, uterine atony, cord compression clamps down umbilical artery increases spiral artery leading to fetal bradycardia
Fetal heart rate accelerations
fetal bradycardia how that arises and there's multiple mechanisms
but one of them is maternal hypotension so hypotension so if mom is hypotensive
then she will have reflux vasoconstriction of her spiral arteries
which are the arteries that are attached to her uterus but this also belongs to
her circulatory system so when you have vasoconstriction of these spiral
arteries that's an attempt to increase total peripheral resistance for moms
circulatory system in order to get her blood pressure up however when this
happens this also causes vasoconstriction of the fetal
circulation and that increases the fetal total peripheral resistance big-time as
well so this results in reflex fetal bradycardia so then applying that concept anything
that causes vasoconstriction of the spiral arteries can cause fetal
bradycardia so uterine atony is one of them why because it causes vasoconstriction of
the spiral arteries another one is cord compression cord compression basically
clamps down the umbilical artery and that increases TPR as well which needs
to reflex bradycardia another important thing to know is fetal heart rate
accelerations this is something that we use in
Nonstress test, fetal heart rate over a 20 minute period, times baby will have accelerations
Rule of rate 15 for 15 seconds one acceleration two in 20 minutes good sign
15:15 2:20, good oxygenation for the baby
non stress tests which is when
you are measuring the fetal heart rate over a 20-minute period to see how many
times the baby will have accelerations so adequate accelerations is the rule of
rate by 15 for 15 seconds that's one acceleration and if you see
two of those in 20 minutes then that is a good sign so if you see two of those
it means there's good oxygenation for the baby and that's a reassuring non-stress test you do a non-stress test
when mom notices decreased movement in the baby also if the non-stress test is basically
equivocal or non conclusive which means in that twenty minutes you did not see
reassuring fetal heart rate accelerations then you move on to
something called a
Biophysical Profile – extensive BATMN – breathing amniotic fluid measurements, Tone, movement, nonstress test
Endometritis – inflammation of endometrium and myometrium ECG – ascending infection + C sections, Tender uterine fundus, Fever, foul smelling lochia (postpartum discharge of blood, mucous and tissue) endometrictis ECG – enometritisi, clindamycin, Gentamicin
Chorioamnionitis – PROM – prolonged supture of the membranes, 18 hours elapsed since water has broken, if mom is still in labor at risk for infection, Ampicillin and gentamicin
CAG – chorioamnionitis, Ampicillin, gentamicin
biophysical profile and that basically is a more extensive
version of the non-stressed test which includes breathing amniotic fluid
measurements tone movements of the baby and the non-stressed test and it gets a
square out of ten but basically if the score is less than four then you want to
deliver right away so we were talking about causes common causes of maternal
infection one of them is endometritis and this is basically inflammation of
the endometrium we can also call it endo Myo metritis which is inflammation of
the endometrium and myometrium usually this is caused from ascending infection
or it's also commonly associated with c-sections which is suspected due to
contamination and the signs will be tender uterine fundus a fever and
foul-smelling lochia and so lochia is postpartum discharge of the blood mucus
and tissue so when you see endometritis you want to treat that first line with clindamycin
and gentamicin another common maternal infection
something called chorioamnionitis which is caused by ascending infection and
it's commonly associated with prolonged rupture of the membranes prolonged
rupture of the membranes means that that there's been 18 hours that have elapsed
since the water has broken and if mom is still in labor for over 18 hours she's
at risk for an infection how you want to treat that is by ampicillin and
gentamicin so if you see
Nuchal translucency
AFP: mcc underestimation of age,
Defects in the wall – omphalocele, gastroschisis abdominal wall defect
nuchal translucency on a chance vaginal ultrasound that's a sign
of Down syndrome or trisomy 18 if you see something that's described as
greater than 2 to 2.5 multiples of the median that's equivalent to saying that
there's a neural tube defect elevated AFP is usually I think about things that
are associated with like an incompetent body wall in the fetus it could be
either gastroschisis omphalocele which is basically abdominal wall defects or
neural tube defects and deep through these defects AFP leaks out another
common one that can cause elevated AFP which is actually the most common cause
is underestimation of age so you'll see an AFP much higher than it should be
that's because the baby is actually older you think the baby might be 10
weeks for example but in reality it's 13 weeks old so it's making more AFP and
Down syndrome – thickened nuchal fold translucency, echogenic bowel: duodenal atresia
Triple screen – wrong dating
you would expect remember as common buzzwords associate of town syndrome would be second nuchal fold nuchal
translucency and remember the echogenic bowel which is caused by duodenal
atresia where you'll see the double bubble sign which is a very common association with Down syndrome so yeah
most common abnormal triple scream is wrong dating so twins have complications
as well and they have a higher rate of term delivery congenital malformations
preeclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage
Twins – higher rate of congenital malformations, preeclampsia / postpartum hemorrhage
Clomiphene – estrogen receptor antagonist at the level of the hypothalamus blocks negative feedback, brain not enough estrogen, stimulates hypothalamus to release more GnRH, LH, FSH to promote ovulation
KB – kleihauer betke before rhogam
Rho antigen found on fetus in Rho negative mom,
A- No RH antigens, whatever you are missing you create antibodies to what you don’t have
clomiphene is a drug that's used to
induce ovulation and it promotes maturation of multiple follicles leading
to multiple eggs being released and it's used in PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome
how coma fein works is adds up estrogen receptor antagonist at the level of the
hypothalamus so what this does it basically blocks the negative feedback
so it tricks the brain into thinking that there's not enough estrogen in the
UM being made by the ovaries so this stimulates the hypothalamus to release
more GnRH LH FSH to make more estrogen and by doing this this promotes
ovulation then there's the kleihauer-betke test remember that this is a test that's used before
administering rhogam rhogam is basically the antibodies that prevent
sensitization versus the ROE antigens found on the fetus in a row negative mom
a mom who has for example blood type a negative that negative denotes that she
has no rh antigens on her blood and as you remember from your step one
knowledge and your basic sciences knowledge that whatever you're missing on your own blood you create antibodies
for what you don't have so if you're a blood type o which means you don't have
a you don't have B and if your minus means you don't have Rh then you'll have antibodies against a B and Rh so if a
mama is Rh - she will have RH antibodies
IgM, IgG if they happen to see antibodies. Maternal fetal hemorrhage, placental abruption, cause fetal circulation to mix with mom circulation. Baby red blood cells have Rh positive, Rh positive father
Mom’s IgM antibodies sees Rho antigen on fetal red blood cell, it will type switch, 2nd pregnancy crosses the placenta and destroys blood cells that have Rho positive antigen. The second the younger brother or sister, polyhydramnios – massive destruction from fetal red blood cell
KB test, momcells places a substances, eliminates mom’s blood tells you what percentage of blood sample has fetal red blood cells 50 – 50 give rhogam, 10% fetal red blood cells. Rhogam – antibodies that take out fetal red blood cells. To hide it from mom’s preexisting antibodies
that are IgM they would only switch to IgG if she happens to see antigens that
are found in her circulation so a lot of times in maternal fetal hemorrhage so
like placental abruption anything that can cause the fetal circulation to mix with
mom circulation that means the fetuses red blood cells will enter mom circulation which means that the baby
red blood cells have Rh positive on it for example the baby might have gotten
it from the Rh positive father right if the dad was Rh negative then the there's
no way the baby would have had Rh positive one of the parents has to have it so if the moms IgM antibodies see
that Roe antigen on the fetal red blood so it will type switch to IgG and that
means for the second pregnancy it'll automatically cross the placenta and destroy any red blood cells that may
have roll positive antigen on the fetal red blood cells which means the second
the younger brother or the younger sister will end up with polyhydramnios due to like massive destruction of the
fetal red blood cells so my point is the kleihauer-betke test you take the sample
of mom's blood and you look at under a slide and they put a substance on the
plate which basically tells you what percentage it eliminates mom's blood it
dissolves it but basically it tells you what percentage of that blood sample has
fetal red blood cells if it's like 50/50 then you give a certain dose of rhogam
if it's like only 10% fetal red blood cells then you give a lower dose of bro gamma and row gammas antibodies that
will take out the fetal red blood cells in order to hide it from Mom's
pre-existing antibodies so then she doesn't have sensitization
Preeclampsia – hypertension with proteinuria P/C > 0.3 greater than 300 mg of proteins per day + hypertension 140 / 80, associated with complications, preterm delivery, placental abruption, fetal hypoxia
Dangerous for mom – complications, urinate out protein, edema from third spacing decreased intravascular decreased oncotic pressure, pulmonary edema
Most feared – preeclampsia severe features – eclampsia, preeclampsia + seizure
Severe features > 160 / 110 or evidence of end organ damage
PULMONARY edema – furosemide
Herpes simplex – acyclovir up to delivery
Delivery vaginally if no lesions
so next is preeclampsia preeclampsia is defined as
hypertension with proteinuria so you have to have proteinuria and how
do you define proteinuria that's a protein to at one ratio of greater than 0.3 or
greater than 300 milligrams of protein per day if you have that plus
hypertension which is one over 140 over 90 this is defined as preeclampsia
preeclampsia is dangerous because it is associated with a lot of
complications such as preterm delivery placental abruption fetal hypoxia etc
but it's also dangerous for the mom in that she can have a lot of complications
because she's urinating out so much protein she's prone to getting edema
from third spacing due to decreased intravascular oncotic pressure and she
can get pulmonary edema etc and so also the most feared complication as the
progression of preeclampsia to preeclampsia with severe features to the
most feared one which is a clamp SIA and a clamp SIA is basically just preeclampsia which now has gotten so
severe that it's caused seizures and that's called eclampsia preeclampsia with severe features is defined as
preeclampsia where the blood pressure is over 160 over 110 or with evidence of
end organ damage whether it's a kidney damage like a cute kidney injury or
elevated liver enzymes or encephalopathy so first-line treatment for pulmonary
edema would be furiosa mite which is a loop diuretic another thing is a
HSV leading to delivery,
Hemophlus ducreyi – genital ulcers, chancroid, histology school of fish, ragged edges, necrotic base – CTX, Azithromycin
Chancre, smooth hard border – Syphilis, IM PCN, 2nd, condyloma lata, palmar rash, tertiary – neurosyphlis tabes dorsalis, syphlic aortitis, encephalitis, longer IV pcn
mom who
has herpes simplex virus you want to give her a psych levere leading up to
delivery and if she's adherent to the acyclovir then she can deliver vaginally
if there are no new genital lesions however if she's experiencing prodrome
such as like itchiness or pain or new genital lesions or
then she should do a c-section next is chancroid which is caused by
Hema Phyllis Duke reaiiy and remember this is action this is the one of the few genital ulcers that are painful the
other one would be herpes and so shank roid will be described as having ragged
edges on necrotic base and on histology it has the school of fish description
and then you want to treat it with ceftriaxone and as a throw Meissen versus a chancre which is a painless
ulcer which has a smooth hard border and this is caused by syphilis and you want
to treat that with intramuscular penicillin and remember it can advance
to the second stage which has the condyloma Lata with the palmer ash and
it can also advance to the tertiary stage which causes neurosyphilis tabes
dorsalis cephalic a or Titus and Saif Titus etc and those ones you want to
treat that with longer IV penicillin so
risk factors for placental abruption – trauma, htn, cocaine, polyhydramnios
trauma, htn, cocaine, smoking
amniotic sac so heavy causing detachment, poor blood flow can cause detachment
painful, third trimester,
decreased arteriolar diameter poor blood flow
are trauma previous abruption hypertension cocaine polyhydramnios
because I just think of it as the the amniotic sac is so heavy that it can
cause detachment and then cigarette use and you know if you think about it like cocaine hypertension cigarette use these
are all associated with decreased arteriolar diameter and that can cause
poor blood flow to the placenta which makes it weaker which can cause it to detach and abruption is one of the types
of third trimester leading remember that it's very painful the mom will have
abdominal pain a lot of uterine contractions and it's an vaginal
bleeding but this is painful compared to placenta previa which is
painless bleeding and that's caused by the abnormal position the placenta covering the cervical Oz
C-section increased risk for placenta previa, scar tissue, bad site for implantation due to uneven surface, increased placenta previa, increta, accrete, percreta
Accrete shallow form, incretainto the myometrium, percreta all the way to the uterus and invade the bladder causing hematuria
AIP, accrete percreta, C-section percreta goes to endometrium won’t detach
when you do a c-section you're now at an increased risk for placenta previa
because of that scar tissue it makes it so that the human body is very smart
it'll notice that that scar tissue is a bad site for plantation due to like the
uneven surface so that causes mom to be increased for having placenta previa
also it increases the risk once you have placenta previa you're also at increased
risk for something called placenta in Crito placenta accreta placenta percreta placenta accreta
is the shallowest form where your placenta basically attaches to the
beginning of the myometrium listen to accreta it goes into the myometrium and
then placenta percreta goes all the way through the uterus and sometimes it
might even start invading the bladder and then this can cause hematuria if mom has any of these cases of
placenta accreta percreta in Krita which basically means that the placenta is
fused to the endometrium then the only option is to do c-section at delivery
because that placenta more detach and it'll cause massive postpartum hemorrhage next is the
Cutaneous manifestations – intrahepatic cholestasis, itching at night on palms and soles, elevated liver enzymes, increased bile acids and bile salts, itchy, elevated bile salts, LFTs treat with urodial, lowers serum bile acids levels PUP: pruritic urticarial plaques and papules of pregnancy – stretch marks over abdomen, itchy, plaques and papules, eczyma dermatitis striae, itchy, benign steroids, herpes gestationalis: bullous pemphigoid, antibodies IgG attack the desmosomes intermediate filaments, treatment steroids, vesicles on the abdomen
big three
cutaneous manifestations of pregnancy the first is intrahepatic cholestasis of
pregnancy this is characterized by really severe itching at night especially on the palms and soles there
will be elevated liver enzymes due to liver damage but the key here is
elevated systemic bile acid levels these bile acids or bile salts will deposit on
the skin which causes severe pruritus so remember it's very itchy elevated bile
salts elevated lfts and you want to treat this with Urso dial which
basically lowers serum bile acid levels next is pup which is paretic Dudek
aerial acts papules of pregnancy mama when she is pregnant will develop stretch marks over
her abdomen but these stretch marks will actually start to get really itchy
she'll also develop plaques and papules and of like an eczema like dermatitis
type of presentation over these striae and then it's very very itchy but it's
benign and you treat it with steroids next is herpes just de chillon us which is basically like bullous pemphigoid of
pregnancy if you remember you know like pemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigoid bullous pemphigoid is when
you have the antibodies the IgG that attacks the Hemi desmosomes which are
intermediate filaments that anchor cells to the basement membrane you get antibodies attacking that and then she
met with this is corticosteroids and its presence with you know vesicles on the abdomen and extremities next is
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy – deliver right away, N/V, hypoglycemia, elevated LFTs, mitochondrial dysfunction, deliver immediately
Increased DVT compression of IVC, increased systemic estrogen, hypercoagulable state
Symptoms – one leg bigger than the other in lots of pain, do a venous duplex
DVT can lead to pulmonary embolism
Abrupt onset dyspnea, tachycardia, tachypnea with a low PaO2, PE pregnant women CT angio – radiation is toxic to the baby do a V/Q scan
PE heparin / rivaroxaban
fatty liver of pregnancy when you hear this remember this is an emergency the baby is at an immediate high risk of
death and you want to deliver right away so how do you define this main thing is like nausea and vomiting
hypoglycemia elevated liver enzymes this is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction
of breaking down fatty acids and yeah you want to deliver this baby immediately remember that pregnant women
are at increased risk of DVT via compression of the IVC which leads to
stasis and also due to the increased systemic estrogen which puts you in a
hypercoagulable state and then if mom develops symptoms of a DVT which is you
know one leg bigger than the other that is in a lot of pain you wanna do a venous duplex what what's dangerous is
that a DVT can lead to a pulmonary embolism a PE and the main things you
want to look for in a PE is abrupt onset of dyspnea tachycardia and tachypnea
with the low pulse ox or low pao2 if you have that then it's most likely a
PE and remember Ana pregnant you don't want to do a CT angio because
the radiation is toxic to the baby so you want to do a VQ scan also to treat a
PE you start with heparin or you can treat with rivaroxaban
Amniotic fluid embolism – bloodstream through delivery, presents as PE, confusion and rash on chest, associated with C-section, supportive
Amniotic fluid embolism – DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation, magnesium, deliver right away
Eclampsia with severe features – magnesium and deliver
First sign of magnesium toxicity – hyporeflexia
DIC associated with abruption / preeclampsia and amniotic fluid embolism
amniotic fluid
embolism is another complication of delivery and this is when the amniotic
fluid gets into the maternal bloodstream through delivery and this is basically
presents like a PE - but it causes confusion and then rash on the chest and
its associated with c-section and abruption and then treatment for this is mainly
just supportive and then remember that amniotic fluid embolism can cause di C
anytime someone with preeclampsia has severe features or has progressed to
eclampsia then you want to remember two things you give magnesium and you deliver right
away and why do you give magnesium that's because it prevents seizures and
if they have a clamp SIA they already have seizures so you give magnesium as well but sometimes you have to monitor
because it's easier to have toxic magnesium levels so they tend to ask you
what is the first sign of magnesium toxicity and that's usually hyporeflexia
and that's the first line so yeah di c is associated with abruption
preeclampsia and amniotic fluid embolism
Term start of week 37, start of 42 post term before 32 give magnesium to help develop nervous system of fetus and decrease cerebral palsy
Magnesium up to 32
Preterm deliveries – tocolytics up to week 34 terbutaline, indomethacin, up to 34 to delay delivery, dexamethasone up to week 37 promote long term maturity
Steroids help to lessen respiratory distress syndrome
so there's three drugs you can give
leading up to term and remember term as described as a start of week 37 the
start of week 42 is considered a term it fits before week 32 you want to give
magnesium because this helps development of the nervous system of the fetus and
it helps prevent cerebral palsy you give magnesium all the way up to week 32
after that you don't need to give magnesium anymore the next thing you want to think about giving for preterm
deliveries is tocolytics so tocolytics can be used up to week 34 common
tocolytics would be like butylene indomethacin and you want to
give this up to week 34 to help delay delivery so the baby can mature more and
then the last one is betamethasone which is a steroid and you can give this up to
week 37 and the reason why you want to give steroids up to week 37 is to help
promote lung maturity yeah so steroids have been proven to minimize the chance
of respiratory distress syndrome
so if it's week 32 you want to give magnesium
tocolytics and steroids at week 34 tocolytics and steroids up to week 37
you give just steroids after that you don't need to supplement so neonatal infections remember the big three
neonatal infections less than 3 months old – GBS + listeria
group B strep agalactiae, listeria BELL: B strep e. coli Listeria
bacteria that are associated with infections in babies less than three
months old and that's Group B Strep eagle-eye and Listeria so that spells up
l ee l and those are the three kind of neonatal infections which are so she'd
of like meningitis
PPROM – rupture of amniotic fluid – oligohydramnios, baby no longer floating in low gravity environment and can compress the umbilical cord
Variable deceleration, Cord Compression, Maternal Repositioning
Early deceleration, Head compression, Identify labor progress
Acceleration Okay No interventions
Late deceleration Placental Insufficiency Execute interventions
another mechanism I want to talk about is preterm premature
rupture of the membranes so with preterm premature rupture of the membranes
you'll have leakage of amniotic fluid which leads to a logo hi jam nose when
you have a Lego hi jam nose this basically means that the baby is no longer floating in like a low gravity
environment and its weight can compress the umbilical cord when this compresses
it can cause recurrent variable decelerations which is what you'll see on the fetal
heart rate tracing where the heart rate of the baby dips down really quick and
then comes back up really quickly because the normal deceleration is usually the head compression one is when
you have the uterus contracting and then the heart rate will come down and up
gradually as a mirror image hypoxia is the second one where it will go down
gradually and come back up but it's late it's always late after the uterine
contraction and then the last one is recurrent variable decelerations which is random dips and
heart rate that come back up very quickly it's not gradual it's very sudden and this is a sign of cord
compression so if you see the recurrent variable decelerations you should think that there's a cord
hypoxia – is late
recurrent variable sudden – cord compression
recurrent variable – cord compression reposition the mom so baby isn’t squishing the umbilical cord or give amnio infusion
compression and what you want to do is reposition the mom so that she doesn't
so that the baby isn't squishing the umbilical cord or you want to give amnio
Parvovirus – subtly in pregnant women – arthralgias, myalgias – rheumatoid arthritis MCP, metacarpal phalangeal joint not feeling well
RA = months to years
Parvo – days to weeks
Parvo – destroys fetal erythrocytes – aplastic anemia, destruction of all three cells lines
Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets
Aplastic crisis just decreased RBCs, baby’s heart rate will speed up to optimize perfusion make up for decreased RBCs leading to heart failure leading to pulmonary edema and third spacing
Hydrops fetalis
RBCs, destroyed liver will make up by making RBCs, compromise and liver makes less albumin, less intravascular oncotic pressure, third spacing
another mechanism i want to talk about is parvo virus so parvo virus
can present very subtly and the pregnant mother which presents with arthralgias
malaise and myalgias I kind of think of it as very similar sounding to
rheumatoid arthritis she'll have like metacarpal phalangeal joint pain not feeling well but it's more transient
compared to rheumatoid arthritis which is more like over the course of months but adult parvo virus is more like acute
onset last the last few days and so when the mom is affected with parvo virus
this actually attacks on the fetal
erythrocytes the reticulocyte and when it destroys all the funeral
reticulocytes this causes something called aplastic anemia which shouldn't be confused with
aplastic crisis aplastic anemia is when you have destruction of all three cell
lines which destroys you know platelets white blood cells and red blood cells aplastic crisis is when you have just
decreased red blood cells when you have decreased red blood cells then the
baby's heart rate will speed up tachycardia to try and optimize perfusion to make up for the decreased
amount of red blood cells but what will happen is this will lead to heart failure and then when it leads to heart
failure that will lead to pulmonary edema and third spacing and this leads to high drops
Vitalis but remember that also when the red blood cells are
being destroyed so much delivery we'll try to make up for it by trying to make more red blood cells but by doing that
it has to compromise it makes less albumin and when you have less elbe you mean that has less intravascular oncotic
pressure and that exacerbates even more third spacing and that's kind of like the mechanism for hydrops fetalis
Hydrops fetalis – decreased RBCs, Increased Cardiac output, pulmonary edema, third spacing, liver more RBCs, liver less albumin more third spacing
what would be a fetal heart rate tracing sign of anemia that's sinusoidal heart rate pattern
which you see the sign waves that would be something you would see in a parvovirus infection of the fetus what
Sinusoidal waves, parvovirus
Lupus – complete heart block, CMV, CMV
MR DICS – microcephaly, retardation, deafness, intraventricular calcicications, Seizures
would you see in a mother who has lupus a mother who has lupus is associated in
the fetus with a complete heart block next is CMV and CMV is characterized by
having mnemonic for cytomegalovirus so C stands for Koryo retinitis M stands for
microcephaly and V stands for ventricular calcification and you prevent this by hand washing and not
sharing utensils with kids and that's one of the common perinatal infections
CMV – handwashing not sharing utensils
Toxoplasma: Cranial calcifications, undercooked meats, chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus
Pyramethamine sulfadiazine treat Bactrim
rubella Cataracts, patent ductus arteriosus, deafness
another one has Toxoplasma which is caused by eating undercooked meats or
cysts from cat feces and this has a triad of cranial calcifications Koryo
retinitis and hydrocephalus and you treat the mom with Spira my son and the
fetus with Pyrrha F amine or sulfadiazine there's also rubella and rubella triad is cataracts deafness and
cardiac anomalies do you remember what the cardiac anomaly is it's patent
ductus arteriosus or pulmonic stenosis
amniotic fluid volume 5 to 25 centimeters
oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios
oligohydramnios 3 cm oligohydramnios 30 polyhydramnios
sinusoidal, polyhydramnios, middle cerebral artery doppler increased flow anemia
normal amniotic fluid volume is usually
from 5 to 25 centimeters it's important to know this because sometimes they'll
indirectly tell you oh look oh hi dream yes or polyhydramnios so if it's 3
centimeters and that's Allegro Hydra meiosis if it's 30 that's polyhydramnios so what's another way to diagnose anemia
in the fetus other than the fetal heart rate which would be sinusoidal another way is you can do the middle cerebral artery, below 10th percentile be reverse flow fetal hypoxia
cerebral artery Doppler studies if you see increased flow this is anemia this
is a way that also detect it in babies who have sickle cell another way to
diagnose intrauterine growth restriction which is defined as size of the fetus
below the 10th percentile is to measure the umbilical artery Doppler and then
reverse flow in the umbilical artery as a bad sign that's basically saying if
there's fetal hypoxia and you want to deliver right away in the baby who was just born air horn – getting
Chlamydia + gonorrhea
Gonorrhea days 3-5
Chlamydia days 7+
CTX, azithromycin
Gonorrhea – erythromycin
Chlamydia – not effective with topical eye drops, oral systemic
conjunctival infections and you want to cover for chlamydia and gonorrhoea
so gonorrhea happens in day 3 to 5 and chlamydia tends to happen on day 7 for
come on a caucus that's where you give the erythromycin topical eye drops that
prevents a monocle conjunctivitis but for chlamydia it's not effective
with topical eyedrops you want to give oral systemic and that's if you have
conjunctivitis on day 7
VL < 1000 HIV vaginally over C-section
Hepatitis B: antibodies: vaccinations
so an HIV mom can only deliver vaginally if her viral
load is less than a thousand copies of RNA per mil if it's greater than that
then she has to do a c-section if a mom has hepatitis B then you should give
hepatitis B antibodies and vaccinations at birth so there's also something
TPO, Microsomal
Inflammation leading to destruction of gland releasing preformed thyroid hormone
Hyperthyroidism, iodine uptake test how to conclude things based on iodine studies
Radioactive iodine uptake lots of uptake thyroid actively making new thyroid
Thyroid gland is not actively making new thyroid
Postpartum thyroiditis, hyperthyroid decreased uptake, hyperthyroidism caused by active thyroid gland
Iodine uptake test low, lots of uptake new gland
postpartum thyroiditis which is found in patients who have the same
antibodies as Hashimoto's thyroiditis which is anti-thyroid peroxidase and
anti microsomia antibodies but basically what happens after birth is you get
inflammation of the thyroid which leads to destruction of the gland and then
this basically releases all the preformed thyroid hormone which causes
transient hyperthyroidism at this point if you do an iodine uptake it'll be low
and iodine uptake they like to test you on this because they want you to know how to conclude
certain things based on the iodine studies and radioactive iodine uptake if there's a
lot of uptake that's a sign that the thyroid is actively making new thyroid
and if it's not taking anything up then that means that the thyroid gland isn't
making any more new thyroid so in postpartum thyroiditis you will be hyper
thyroid but there will be decreased uptake because this hyperthyroidism is
caused by an inactive thyroid gland that is leaking out all the preformed thyroid
after that happens it becomes hypothyroid and then recovers back to you thyroidism so for example someone
Graves TSH receptor antibodies lots of thyroid hormone, radioactive iodine, diffuse uptake
with like Graves disease you know the TSH receptor antibodies are causing you to make so much thyroid
hormone all the time so if you were to give someone with Graves disease a
radioactive iodine uptake then you'll see diffuse uptake because that iodine is getting sucked up into the thyroid
gland and it's the thyroid making factory and they're hyper thyroid because they're actively making thyroid
hyperthyroid actively making thyroid
postpartum inflammation and leakage
but in postpartum thyroiditis this is due to inflammation and leakage and not
due to active formation and then you should know about
symmetric – head and body equal size, chromosomal, torch, toxoplasma, syphilis, rubella, herpes
asymmetric – head big, body not, hypoxia, placental insufficiency, htn, poor nutrition
baby during development to shunt blood supply to head and favor development of ehad over body
asx bacteriuria high risk for pyelonephritis ucx, asymptomatic, ppx antibiotics
nonpregnant, nitrofurantioin, TMP, SMX, fluoroquinolones
pregnant can’t give TMP SMX neural tube defects inhibit folate
no fluoroquinolones hurt bones and tendinopathy
pregnant amoxicillin, nitrofurantoin, cephalopsporins
symmetric growth and
asymmetric growth in babies who have intrauterine growth restriction they can
have symmetric growth which means the head and body or equal size versus asymmetric growth which is where the
head is really big and that and then the body is a lot smaller in comparison and the symmetric ones are caused by
chromosomal or like the torch congenital infections like Toxoplasma syphilis
rubella CMV herpes but asymmetric growth is caused by hypoxia like placental
insufficiency so like hypertension smoking poor nutrition this causes the
baby during its development to shot all the blood supply to the head and favor
development of head over the body as a sacrifice so remember asymptomatic bacteriuria and
pregnancy is high risk for pyelonephritis so that's why you do the
urine culture in the first trimester and if it's asymptomatic you still give
prophylactic antibiotics so the first line UTI is in pregnancy are like
amoxicillin cephalosporin and nitro for aunt Owen but in non pregnant UTI is the
first lines first line is like TPMS MX nitro fianto in or fluoroquinolones well
in pregnant people you can't give TPMS MX because it can cause neural tube defects because it inhibits folate and
you can't give fluoroquinolones because fluoroquinolones hurt the bones and it causes tendinopathy
yes so basically remember the the first-line drugs for pregnant UTI or amoxicillin cephalosporins or nitro for
GBS prior to delivery 4 hours ampicillin
4 cases
1) Prior child w/ GBS infection
2) GBS on urine culture
3) ASX or SX UTI
4) GBS screening 35 – 37 weeks
an twin also you want to know when to give ampicillin prophylaxis for mom in
terms of Group B Strep prior to delivery and usually you give it four hours before delivery the
scenarios where you give a prophylactic ampicillin or penicillin is if the mom
has had a prior pregnancy where a kid has had infection by Group B Strep or
during this pregnancy she was found to have Group B in her urine culture or if
during this pregnancy she's had a UTI whether it's symptomatic or asymptomatic
then you're gonna give prophylaxis for a group B strep no matter what word by
default - during weeks 35 to 37 you usually give you do a genital culture
anyways an anal culture to check for Group B Strep if that's positive then you're gonna
give ampicillin penicillin prophylaxis four hours to delivery as well if the
mom you don't know her Group B Strep status because she wasn't following up
to her clinic visit they you give Group B Strep under three
1) Maternal infection
2) Prolonged rupture of membranes 18 hours
3) Preterm delivery – give ampicillin or penicillin prophylaxis
one is maternal fever two is prolonged rupture of the membranes which
has created than 18 hours of rupture of the membranes which I talked about
earlier and the third is if you don't know her status and she's preterm then
you're gonna give ampicillin or penicillin prophylaxis
ECG – endometritis clinda and genta
remember the most common cause of post c-section fever is
endo Myo metritis and you treat that with gentamicin and clindamycin then
there are
fluctuant – fluid underneath the skin dicloxacillin and I and D
breast abscesses the main cause is staph aureus and this is a red
block Xuan is the key word fluctuate means that it feels like there's fluid underneath the skin and you want to
treat that with dicloxacillin and incision and drainage and if it's hard
to tell the difference between that and cellulitis then you want to use the ultrasound
Vitamin D + K in breast milk
remember breastfeeding has all the vitamins except which to vitamin D and
vitamin case you want to supplement that you should also know the differences between breast milk and formula milk
breast whey and casein, formula has more casein, casein is harder to digest, prefer breast milk exclusively for the first 6 months
breast milk has two proteins way and calcium and formula milk also has them
but it has a way higher ratio of calcium than breast milk and Cassie has a lot
more harder to digest which is why we prefer breast milk exclusively for the
first six months before giving any food or eating anything else the baby should be purely dependent on breast milk for
the first six months because it has a lot of antibodies and lysozymes and
protective factors in it and it's been studies have shown that babies who are
breastfed have lower rates of allergies and infections and also it helps up mom
breast feeds lower chance of gestational diabetes
because when mom breast feeds she has lower chances of getting breast cancer remember that gestational diabetes so
Visit 1: CBC, UA, STDs, HIV, Rubella, Blood smear, Pap smear
Week 28 visit diabetes, rhogam, CBC anemia
Week 35 to 37
this is another thing to the prenatal visit the week 28 visit and then the
week 35 to 37 are very important the first visit you
wanna do all everything your standard like CBC UA um s check for all the STDs
HIV you want to check for rubella um check for blood typing do pap smear but
then in week 28 that's when you check for three things diabetes you want to do
a follow-up CBC to see how anemic she is if she's like still within range and
then give rhogam shot if she is uh ro- but this is where you will check for
diabetes and how you do that as you first do the
50 gram if greater than 140 might have diabetes
Gtt – glucose tolerance 100 grams hours 1, 2, 3, 180, 160, 140
If 2/3 too high gestational diabetes
50 gram glucose load after
one hour if it's greater than 140 then that means she might have diabetes so we
advance to the second stage which is the glucose tolerance test you give her a hundred grams of glucose this time and
you measure her glucose at hours one two and three if it's greater than 180 161
and you diagnosed her with gestational diabetes and then with gestational
diabetes the first-line treatment is going to be diet but then if she doesn't
improve her glucose levels with diet then the second line you want to start
is insulin if you do a
fundal height test – incongruent with baby’s age, do ultrasound
fundal height test and you notice that it's
incongruent with the baby's age then the next step you want to do is an
ultrasound to see what's happening that is it probes tetrax and then the next part we're going to talk about fine
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